Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Missin' Those Babes

I've been having some major niece and nephews withdrawls. They are getting so stinking big and grown up! It almost makes me sad but I'm happy to say that I am finally going to get to see them soon! Brother got a new job and while he is looking for a house in their new town in Texas, the wife will be coming up with the kiddos to her parents house and eventually will make their way down to us. Jaden just had his fourth birthday! 4!!! So old! Gonna be starting school next year! Clara is now 2 1/2 and is such a cutie. She's starting to play with more girly things instead of always boy things with Jaden, but they still love playing games together. Here are the most recent photos of them. Be prepared for the cuteness. 

And how could I ever forget about this cutie! The most recent edition to the family! He's coming just after Jaden and Clara come to visit! 

These kids all have my heart ❤️

There is your daily dose of cuteness. 

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Awwww :) Those kiddos are seriously adorable! My favorite picture was the one of them all dressed up (looked like they were at a wedding). Even though I don't have any nieces or nephews, I do have three little half siblings that live in SD with my biological Dad and step-mom. Isaac is 11, Laura is 9, and Lucas is 5. I can totally relate when you say that they are getting so big so quick!! From the sounds of it, your niece and nephew mean the world to you; just imagine what it's going to be like if you decide to have kids of your own! Kids are great. Thanks for sharing.
