Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Counting Caterpillars and Wind Catchers

So far this week we have been working on a few different projects. The students got to do a couple things so far and I had a big project I've been working on! It never fails that on days that I wear white or something that is dressier than what I normally wear, we paint! Today I had both white and dressy on and of course we painted! But it was fun and the kids enjoyed it. Last week I cut out a bunch of foam hearts and glued them on to bottle caps and voilĂ  you have yourself a homemade stamp that everyone came have and use! We worked on the number 24 today with the K2 class and they had to stamp the number and the cupcakes with the heart stamp. A lot of them did a really good job! 

They K2 students also made a wind catcher. We went outside and talked about the wind and how it can move different objects and the students got to run around outside with streamers. Then we went inside and put our wind catchers together and talked about how we are going to "catch" the wind. They turned out really cool and the students had a great time spinning them around their heads, watching the streamers fly around. 

My project for the week took a little longer than the students', but it will last them a lot longer. In a lot of schools that I've been in MN, they have a counting caterpillar, normally representing the days that the students have been in school and they count it every day. Since they already had started the year a while ago we just put all the numbers up from 1 to 100. As I was putting it up, the kids were just ooing and awing over them. I had one student that just kept saying "Awesome!" Another student came up to me later that day and just said "Thank you so much for the caterpillar!" He is such a sweet boy and it melted my heart! Just another reason why I know I'm doing what I love and being with those kids every day.

So far the weekend is looking fairly clear to spend at the beach so let's hope that weather forecast stays until then! Sunday we are hoping to find some bar in town that is playing the game so that we can at least watch the football game and be surrounded by Americans and feel like a tourist again for a little while. Tonight at volleyball we met a few more people our age and have made plans to hang out in the future! It's so nice to meet some more people! :)

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